When you are looking into Original parts VS cheap chinese copies there is a big decision to make on the quality of parts that want to use. We have been in the industry for a long time generally you get what you pay for. This rings very true in electronics, if you have ever bought a no name item, an very cheap charger, a cheap battery, or, probably more relevant a low priced smart phone. You will understand that there is a reason you pay more for a high quality, name brand electronic.
The problem with copy parts are many including their life expectancy which is very low and are likely to just die for no reason. This is because the manufactureres of these use low quality parts, i.e. the parts are more fragile. What is worse is that these parts tend to damage the connectors on the board they connect to. This means if and when you do need to replace that part again many times the new part will not connect to the board properly because the part it has been replaced with has misshaped the connector on the mother board. Unless you really need a cheap fix, don’t recommend this type of part.

Maecenas id ante at enim feugiat auctor non a ipsum. Mauris ac porta ligula. Nam rhoncus sem a massa sodales pulvinar quis quis turpis. Donec sit amet congue mauris.
Suspendisse porta eros et massa luctus, quis malesuada sapien aliquet. Proin venenatis turpis non felis consequat rhoncus. Maecenas varius nunc sed porttitor lacinia.
“Maecenas id ante at enim feugiat auctor non a ipsum. Mauris ac porta ligula. Nam rhoncus sem a massa sodales pulvinar quis quis turpis. Donec sit amet congue mauris”
Maecenas id ante at enim feugiat auctor non a ipsum. Mauris ac porta ligula. Nam rhoncus sem a massa sodales pulvinar quis quis turpis. Donec sit amet congue mauris.